Hook, Sara Anne2016-11-022016-11-022016Hook, S.A.: 3D Printing Law. Eau Claire, WI: NBI, 2016. Presented as a live teleconference on November 2, 2016. Features slides contributed by Albert William.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/11313Includes slides from Albert William from the 3D printed flute project.Whoever you represent in relation to 3D printing, you need to ensure that you're in-the-know regarding the latest rules and regulations. In this fast paced legal program, you'll maximize insight and gain cutting-edge pointers for advising your clients on this new area of law. Dig deep into the science, technology, rules and requirements regulating 3D printing today - AND identify key business, legal, and technical issues that will oversee this evolving landscape now, and in the near future. Review 3D printing laws and get the latest legislative updates, rules and regulations. Identify top liability traps, legal landmines and mistakes. Review intellectual property rights and issues. Analyze 3D printing taxation considerations.en-US3D printingLegislationIntellectual property lawCopyright lawProduct liabilityForensicsFluteDental prostheticsFashion designWilliam, Albert3D Printing LawBook