Lass, AgnieszkaCocklin, RossScaglione, Kenneth M.Skowyra, MichaelKorolev, SergeyGoebl, MarkSkowyra, Dorota2016-12-192016-12-192016Lass, A., Cocklin, R., Scaglione, K. M., Skowyra, M., Korolev, S., Goebl, M., & Skowyra, D. (2016). Erratum to: The loop-less tmCdc34 E2 mutant defective polyubiquitination in vitro and in vivo supports yeast growth in a manner dependent on Ubp14 and Cka2. Cell Division, 11, 13. 4.0 InternationalyeastErratum to: The loop-less tmCdc34 E2 mutant defective polyubiquitination in vitro and in vivo supports yeast growth in a manner dependent on Ubp14 and Cka2.Article