Parrish-Sprowl, JohnBreidenbach, Mary Angela2017-01-302017-01-302016-07 University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)In this exploratory, qualitative study, the author examined the lived experiences of low-income type 2 diabetics around managing their diabetes. Semi-structured, individual interviews were conducted with volunteer participants from a Midwest student outreach clinic (N=14; 8 men, 6 women). Interviews were first analyzed using LUUUUTT model from the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) theory for gaps between stories lived and stories told. Findings suggest that the lived experience of the majority of the participants had low social support and heightened stress around managing their diabetes. Using the Communication Complex framework, the patterns of interactions around these two tensions were analyzed to make suggestions for change.en-USdiabeteslow-incomequalitativeExploring diabetes management of low-income, Type 2 diabetics using a communication perspectiveThesis10.7912/C26D4Z