Lewandowski, CarlaCarter, Jeremy G.Campbell, Walter L.2017-07-132017-07-132017Lewandowski, C., Carter, J. G., & Campbell, W. L. (2017). The role of people in information-sharing: perceptions from an analytic unit of a regional fusion center. Police Practice and Research, 18(2), 174-193. http://doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2016.1250631https://hdl.handle.net/1805/13448Information sharing research has largely focused on capturing operational practices related to the exchange of information. A noticeable shortcoming of this developing literature is the lack of scholarly attention focused specifically on analytic personnel. The present study employs semi-structured interviews with 23 personnel that comprise the analytic unit within a regional fusion center located in a large metropolitan area in the United States. Findings indicate that there is significant ambiguity surrounding the organizational and geographic audiences to which intelligence products should be tailored. Moreover, it appears information sharing is sparse and reliant upon personal relationships between analysts and external organizations. Lastly, analysts do not receive feedback pertaining to the content and effectiveness of intelligence products created. These findings may be generalized to other analytical organizations whose primary goal is to gather, analyze and disseminate intelligence. Action steps for policymakers are provided.enPublisher Policyinformation sharingintelligencefusion centerThe Role of People in Information-Sharing: Perceptions from an Analytic Unit of a Regional Fusion CenterArticle