Baich, Tina2018-06-272018-06-272018-05-23Baich, Tina. Capturing the Benefits of Open Access in ILL. Vermont / New Hampshire ILL Conference, Randolph Center, VT, May 23, 2018. from presentation given at 2018 Vermont / New Hampshire Interlibrary Loan Conference.Despite assumptions that open access would be the death of interlibrary loan, library users regularly request open access materials. There is now a large body of open access materials that library users need assistance in navigating. As always, ILL practitioners have a role to play in connecting their users to information, even open access information. This presentation will give you the building blocks for capturing the benefits of open access in ILL. Topics discussed will include an overview of open access, how open access can help ILL, mitigating risk, and creating open access workflows.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesOpen accessResource sharingInterlibrary loanInterlibrary loansOpen access publishingCapturing the benefits of open access in ILLPresentation