Menon, RajasreeBomback, Andrew S.Lake, Blue B.Stutzke, ChristyGrewenow, Stephanie M.Menez, StevenD’Agati, Vivette D.Jain, SanjayKidney Precision Medicine Project2025-03-032025-03-032022Menon R, Bomback AS, Lake BB, et al. Integrated single-cell sequencing and histopathological analyses reveal diverse injury and repair responses in a participant with acute kidney injury: a clinical-molecular-pathologic correlation. Kidney Int. 2022;101(6):1116-1125. doi:10.1016/j.kint.2022.03.011 PolicyAKIKidney Precision Medicine ProjectNSAIDKidneySingle-cell sequencingIntegrated single-cell sequencing and histopathological analyses reveal diverse injury and repair responses in a participant with acute kidney injury: a clinical-molecular-pathologic correlationArticle