Nezamuddin, OmarBagwe, Rishikeshdos Santos, Euzeli, Jr.2020-04-102020-04-102019-06Nezamuddin, O., Bagwe, R., & Dos Santos, E. (2019). A Multi-Motor Architecture for Electric Vehicles. 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1–6. paper proposes an architecture for EVs with three or more electric motors and highlights when adding more motors does not impact the battery state of charge (SOC). The proposed control algorithm optimizes the use of the motors onboard to keep them running in their most efficient regions. Simulation results along with a comparison with other current motors used in EVs is presented in this paper, and further discussion on the results is presented. With this architecture, the powertrain would see a combined efficiency map that incorporates the best operating points of the motors. Therefore, the proposed architecture will allow the EV to operate with a higher range for a given battery capacity.enPublisher Policytorquebrushless DC motorsbatteriesA Multi-Motor Architecture for Electric VehiclesArticle