Setser, MeredithIngram, Margaret Elizabeth2014-09-082014-09-082014 am drawn to the most human of things, the ordinary everyday experiences that connect us. I seek to remember pieces of life that are easily forgotten or left behind. It is within the constructs of interdependence that my work explores the poetic space of a shared human experience. These connections are made evident through the suggestion of memory, identity and the idea of the viewer as collaborator. I seek to create a narrative in which the viewer becomes aware of change and discovery within the behavior of an individual self. In my most recent work, the idea of the viewer has visually and metaphorically manifested into the act of drawing a circle. The shape of the circle is meant to be representative of the nature of experience within the intricacies of both the enlightened mind as well as the confused mind. It is a mutual circle or a circle of togetherness where the connectedness of our existence becomes indisputable. The circle in the beginning and ending, presence and absence. The viewer, then, becomes a silent collaborator who quietly charges my work as I search for social understanding of both the viewer and myself. In this way the viewer becomes a willing participant as well as the subject.enPrintmakingMemoryIdentityConnectivityCollaborationPaperCircleConnectedness of Existence