Copeland, Andrea J.2014-10-282014-10-282014-05Copeland, A. (2014). The Use of Personal Value Estimations to Select Images for Preservation in Public Library Digital Community Collections. Future Internet, 6(2), 359-377. considerable amount of information, particularly in image form, is shared on the web through social networking sites. If any of this content is worthy of preservation, who decides what is to be preserved and based on what criteria. This paper explores the potential for public libraries to assume this role of community digital repositories through the creation of digital collections. Thirty public library users and thirty librarians were solicited from the Indianapolis metropolitan area to evaluate five images selected from Flickr in terms of their value to public library digital collections and their worthiness of long-term preservation. Using a seven-point Likert scale, participants assigned a value to each image in terms of its importance to self, family and society. Participants were then asked to explain the reasoning behind their valuations. Public library users and librarians had similar value estimations of the images in the study. This is perhaps the most significant finding of the study, given the importance of collaboration and forming partnerships for building and sustaining community collections and archives.en-USAttribution 3.0 United Statespublic librariesdigital collectionsdigital preservationsocial historyphotographsThe Use of Personal Value Estimations to Select Images for Preservation in Public Library Digital Community CollectionsArticle