Abdel-Latif, AhmedZuba-Surma, Ewa K.Case, JamieTiwari, SumitHunt, GregRanjan, SmitaVincent, Robert J.Srour, Edward F.Bolli, RobertoDawn, Buddhadeb2016-01-152016-01-152008-11Abdel-Latif, A., Zuba-Surma, E. K., Case, J., Tiwari, S., Hunt, G., Ranjan, S., … Dawn, B. (2008). TGF-β1 enhances cardiomyogenic differentiation of skeletal muscle-derived adult primitive cells. Basic Research in Cardiology, 103(6), 514–524. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00395-008-0729-9https://hdl.handle.net/1805/8071The optimal medium for cardiac differentiation of adult primitive cells remains to be established. We quantitatively compared the efficacy of IGF-1, dynorphin B, insulin, oxytocin, bFGF, and TGF-beta1 in inducing cardiomyogenic differentiation. Adult mouse skeletal muscle-derived Sca1+/CD45-/c-kit-/Thy-1+ (SM+) and Sca1-/CD45-/c-kit-/Thy-1+ (SM-) cells were cultured in basic medium (BM; DMEM, FBS, IGF-1, dynorphin B) alone and BM supplemented with insulin, oxytocin, bFGF, or TGF-beta1. Cardiac differentiation was evaluated by the expression of cardiac-specific markers at the mRNA (qRT-PCR) and protein (immunocytochemistry) levels. BM+TGF-beta1 upregulated mRNA expression of Nkx2.5 and GATA-4 after 4 days and Myl2 after 9 days. After 30 days, BM+TGF-beta1 induced the greatest extent of cardiac differentiation (by morphology and expression of cardiac markers) in SM- cells. We conclude that TGF-beta1 enhances cardiomyogenic differentiation in skeletal muscle-derived adult primitive cells. This strategy may be utilized to induce cardiac differentiation as well as to examine the cardiomyogenic potential of adult tissue-derived stem/progenitor cells.en-USPublisher PolicyAdult stem cellCardiac differentiationCulture mediumSkeletal muscleGrowth factorTGF-β1 enhances cardiomyogenic differentiation of skeletal muscle-derived adult primitive cells