Shaker, Genevieve G.Nathan, Sarah K.Janin, Pat D.O'Connor, Heather A.2020-09-102020-09-102018-11Shaker, G.G., Nathan, S.K., Janin, Pat D., & O'Connor, H.A. (2018). Breaking the isolation: fundraisers, informal support groups, and professional growth. Poster presentation at the meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Austin, TX. understanding of the fundraising profession is growing, less is known about fundraisers working in smaller nonprofits, with limited access to professional associations. In this grounded theory study, we conducted focus groups with fundraisers who created an informal professional association. Literature has indeed shown that such associations can provide self-regulation, knowledge diffusion, and professional identity–similar to that offered by larger, formal associations. Our objective was to explore why, when, and how fundraisers in small organizations form and use informal associations for professional growth and confidence. We created a model/theory describing one group’s process with implications for supporting the profession.en-USfundraisingfundraisersfundraising professionBreaking the isolation: fundraisers, informal support groups, and professional growthPoster