Demirel-Pegg, Tijen2018-08-022018-08-022019Demirel-Pegg, Tijen (2019), "The Gezi Park Protests and the Escalation and De-escalation of Political Contention," Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. study argues that escalation and de-escalation processes lie at the heart of protest campaigns. These processes are largely determined by the interactions between protesters and governments, as well as the timing and types of strategies and tactics employed. The study examines the dynamics between the Turkish government and the protesters during the 2013 Gezi Protest Campaign. This campaign escalated quickly by generating massive support from different segments of the Turkish society in its earlier days, and then de-escalated and eventually demobilized without securing major concessions. By using original data collected from a Turkish newspaper, Cumhuriyet, the study illustrates how the trajectory of the Gezi campaign changed in response to the interactive dynamics between the government and the dissidents.en-USIUPUI Open Access PolicyGezi ParkTurkeyProtest CampaignsEscalationDe-escalationCumhuriyetThe Gezi Park Protests and the Escalation and De-escalation of Political ContentionArticle