Ene, EstelaHryniuk, Katarzyna2019-10-012019-10-012018Ene, E., & Hryniuk, K. (2018). Worlds apart but in the same boat: How macro-level policy influences EFL writing pedagogy in China, Mexico, and Poland. In Ruecker, T., & Crusan, D. (Eds.), International Political Contexts of Second Language Writing Assessment. Routledge. 15-28.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21002Despite the pull towards global homogeneity, distinctions among EFL contexts persist, due in part to the fact that global and national policies are conceptualized and enacted differently. Some have contended that “the principal locus of policy making remains the nation-state” (Haskell, 2002, p. 5), and that language policies, as a subcategory of national policy, reflect different national sociopolitical and economic goals.enEFLwriting pedagogyAssessmentnational policyWorlds apart but in the same boat: How macro-level policy influences EFL writing pedagogy in China, Mexico, and PolandBook chapter