Kokurewicz, KarolinaWelsh, G. H.Brunetti, E.Wiggins, S. MarkBoyd, M.Sorensen, A.Chalmers, A.Schettino, G.Subiel, AnnaDesRosiers, ColleenJaroszynski, Dino A.2018-03-152018-03-152017-05Kokurewicz, K., Welsh, G. H., Brunetti, E., Wiggins, S. M., Boyd, M., Sorensen, A., ... & Jaroszynski, D. A. (2017, May). Laser-plasma generated very high energy electrons (VHEEs) in radiotherapy. In Medical Applications of Laser-Generated Beams of Particles IV: Review of Progress and Strategies for the Future (Vol. 10239, p. 102390C). International Society for Optics and Photonics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2271183https://hdl.handle.net/1805/15582As an alternative modality to conventional radiotherapy, electrons with energies above 50 MeV penetrate deeply into tissue, where the dose can be absorbed within a tumour volume with a relatively small penumbra. We investigate the physical properties of VHEEs and review the state-of-the-art in treatment planning and dosimetry. We discuss the advantages of using a laser wake eld accelerator (LWFA) and present the characteristic features of the electron bunch produced by the LWFA and compare them with that from a conventional linear accelerator.enPublisher Policyvery high energy electronsradiotherapydepth-dose distributionLaser-plasma generated very high energy electrons (VHEEs) in radiotherapyArticle