Kevles, Daniel2007-04-032007-04-032002-01-12Kevles, D. J. (2002). A history of patenting life in the United States with comparative attention to Europe and Canada: a report to the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. Retrieved December 19, 2006, from European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies web site: pages.Discusses the ethical issues of patenting life forms such as plants and microorganisms, with the wider implications of patenting human stem cell technology.611450 bytesapplication/pdfenpatentslife formsbiotechnologygenetically-modified organismsGMOPatentsBiotechnologyTransgenic organismsA history of patenting life in the United States with comparative attention to Europe and Canada: a report to the European Group on Ethics in Science and New TechnologiesTechnical ReportPatents. 5.3Patents, Genetic. 15.8Biotechnology - General. 5.1GMO. 15.1