Winship, AndrewStoffer, Bridgit2014-11-032014-11-032014 drawings and installations intertwine creating visual poems that allow my audience to view my inner world through shared experience and invites them to consider moments of honest vulnerability exposed in the quiet subtlety of what they witness. My narrative is always the starting point while I reflect upon and deepen an understanding of: the impact and resilience on seen and unseen realties, trying to rebuild out of brokenness, and our longing to preserve something lost. My work explores how one negative act can provoke determination and resolve. Through process and material exploration I’ve created ways that allow my art, much like an individual, to find a way to not simply endure, but navigate a path to thrive in the grim environments I create. Time is my true medium as I consider: temporality, lifespan, evolution and preservation. I use material and process to establish a passage of time so that I may reveal the way we hold on to things that are falling apart around us. I'm interested in making ephemeral objects that encapsulate a moment, holding it in place to somehow preserve something that would otherwise be lost even though they should not and cannot last. I expose this loss and our need to preserve what we can while holding on to the preciousness of the time we have that isn’t yet gone.enStoffer, BridgitLossInstallationDrawingResilienceFamilyDysfunctionPainting and drawingLonging For More Time