Carlson, Joan M.2019-12-202019-12-202019Carlson, J. M. (2019). Making a Choice. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 19(1–2), 194–200. is our responsibility as educators to see that our students receive training to meet the present-day challenges facing our clients. The graduate programs in social work are especially suited for training and implementing Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) as these programs prepare advanced practitioners to provide care to those with the greatest need and often the least access to mental health and addiction treatment. Schools of Social Work have a strong history of placing advanced clinical MSW interns that focus on diverse populations in behavioral health clinics, primary care clinics, hospitals, substance abuse clinics, schools, residential facilities, family preservation and reunification, child services as well as an essential presence in the VA system. Making a choice to include SBIRT training in our curricula is a viable strategy for enhancing the skills our students will need in practice with strong potential to increase the number of providers while significantly increasing access to behavioral interventions for clients and patients.enPublisher Policyevidence-based practicealcoholScreening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)Making a ChoiceArticle