Pike, Cathy King2010-12-082010-12-081996-07Pike, Cathy King. "Development and initial validation of the Social Work Values Inventory." Research on Social Work Practice 6, no. 3 (July 1996): 337-352.Pike, Cathy King. "Development and initial validation of the Social Work Values Inventory." December 8, 2010. Available from IUPUI ScholarWorks. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/2328.1049-7315https://hdl.handle.net/1805/2328This post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of the article submitted to IUPUI ScholaWorks as part of the OASIS Project. Article reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Permission granted through posted policies on copyright owner’s website or through direct contact with copyright owner.This article reports the development and initial validation of the Social Work Values Inventory (SWVI). The SWVI was developed by using six tasks compiled by the author from the general literature on instrumentation. They include (a) developing a definition of values, (b) using the literature to select those values to be measured by the instrument, (c) using a theory of instrument construction, (d) relating the definition of values to the actual instrument, (e) developing unambiguous stimuli, and (f) determining scaling and scoring techniques. Preliminary reliability estimates ranged from acceptable to good across four data collections. Examinations of content, factorial, and construct validity provided excellent support of the instrument as a valid measure of social work practice values.en-USdefinitioninventorytechniquevaluesMeasuring instruments -- ValuationSocial work -- Vocational guidanceDevelopment and Initial Validation of the Social Work Values InventoryArticle