Rukes, KathleenFowler, Nicole R.2022-04-012022-04-012020-04Rukes, K., & Fowler, N. R. (2020). Engaging Persons Living With Dementia in the Research Process: Best Practice Considerations From a National Dementia Meeting. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(4), 431–433. more than 35 million people and families worldwide live with dementia. 1 Although there is no cure for dementia, years of investment have yielded many behavioral and other nonpharmacologic programs and interventions aimed at helping people live better with dementia 2 and to support dementia caregivers. 3 Despite promising evidence about these interventions’ statistical and clinical significance, there is a lack of impact from this evidence. 4 It is not clear whether this reflects genuine ineffectiveness in “the real word” or a failure in implementing this evidence.enPublisher Policydementiadementia interventionsNational Dementia MeetingEngaging Persons Living With Dementia in the Research Process: Best Practice Considerations From a National Dementia MeetingArticle