Shahidi, NealRex, Douglas K.Kaltenbach, TonyaRastogi, AmitGhalehjegh, Sina HamidiByrne, Michael F.2020-04-242020-04-242020-02Shahidi, N., Rex, D. K., Kaltenbach, T., Rastogi, A., Ghalehjegh, S. H., & Byrne, M. F. (2020). Use of Endoscopic Impression, Artificial Intelligence, and Pathologist Interpretation to Resolve Discrepancies Between Endoscopy and Pathology Analyses of Diminutive Colorectal Polyps. Gastroenterology, 158(3), 783-785. PolicyadenomacancercolonoscopyUse of Endoscopic Impression, Artificial Intelligence, and Pathologist Interpretation to Resolve Discrepancies Between Endoscopy and Pathology Analyses of Diminutive Colorectal PolypsArticle