Salisbury, EmilySundt, JodyBoppre, Breanna2018-09-112018-09-112018-09Salisbury, E. J., Sundt, J., & Boppre, B. (2019). Mapping the implementation landscape: Assessing the systemic capacity of statewide community corrections agencies to deliver evidence-based practices. Corrections, 4(1), 19-38. quality is recognized as a critical moderator for programs to successfully reduce recidivism. Yet, the implementation of any new initiative takes place within a context—a system comprised of varying structures, norms, policies, and relationships to external stakeholders. Surprisingly little evidence exists about how to build organizational capacity to successfully achieve program fidelity and sustain innovations over time. This study provides results from a process evaluation measuring implementation capacity to deliver evidence-based practices (EBPs) in the state of Oregon. Using the ImpleMap interview procedure created by the National Implementation Research Network, findings from ten county-level community corrections agencies demonstrated how systemic, actionable implementation can be facilitated. Aggregate statewide patterns of organizational capacity emerged, as well as individual variation in the strengths and gaps of implementation among each county. By understanding county-level variation, we reveal that sustainable implementation requires purposeful attention to systemic capacities that go beyond training and coaching. To advance the science and practice of offender rehabilitation, we need to broaden our focus to rediscover the importance of process, structure, and context. Responsibility for change needs to shift from individuals to implementation systems.en-USImplementation ScienceEvidence Based PracticesProgram FidelityCommunity CorrectionsProbationParoleMapping the Implementation Landscape: Assessing the Systemic Capacity of Statewide Community Corrections Agencies to Deliver Evidence-Based PracticesArticle