Harter, Andrew K.Joglekar, Yogesh N.2017-02-102017-02-102016Harter, A. K., & Joglekar, Y. N. (2016). Sublattice Signatures of Transitions in a\ mathscr {PT}-Symmetric Dimer Lattice. In Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics (pp. 249-261). Springer International Publishing.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/11909Lattice models with non-hermitian, parity and time-reversal (PTPT) symmetric Hamiltonians, realized most readily in coupled optical systems, have been intensely studied in the past few years. A PTPT-symmetric dimer lattice consists of dimers with intra-dimer coupling νν, inter-dimer coupling ν′ν′, and balanced gain and loss potentials ±iγ±iγ within each dimer. This model undergoes two independent transitions, namely a PTPT-breaking transition and a topological transition. We numerically and analytically investigate the signatures of these transitions in the time-evolution of states that are initially localized on the gain-site or the loss-site.enIUPUI Open Access Policyquantum physicslattice modelstransitionsSublattice signatures of transitions in a PT -symmetric dimer latticeConference proceedings