Koshy, NicoleDixit, AnshumanJadhav, Siddhi ShrikantPenmatsa, Arun V.Samanthapudi, Sagar V.Kumar, Mothi Gowtham AsokAnuyah, Sydney OghenetegaVemula, GouravHerzog, Patricia SnellBolchini, Davide2024-12-232024-12-232023Koshy, Nicole R., Anshuman Dixit, Siddhi Shrikant Jadhav, Arun V. Penmatsa, Sagar V. Samanthapudi, Mothi Gowtham Ashok Kumar, Sydney Oghenetega Anuyah, Gourav Vemula, Patricia Snell Herzog, Davide Bolchini. 2023. “Data-to-Question Generation Using Deep Learning.” Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices: 78-83. doi: 10.1109/IBDAP58581.2023.10271940.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/45171Many publicly available datasets exist that can provide factual answers to a wide range of questions that benefit the public. Indeed, datasets created by governmental and non- governmental organizations often have a mandate to share data with the public. However, these datasets are often underutilized by knowledge workers due to the cumbersome amount of expertise and embedded implicit information needed for everyday users to access, analyze, and utilize their information. To seek solutions to this problem, this paper discusses the design of an automated process for generating questions that provide insight into a dataset. Given a relational dataset, our prototype system architecture follows a five-step process from data extraction, cleaning, pre-processing, entity recognition using deep learning, and questions formulation. Through examples of our results, we show that the questions generated by our approach are similar and, in some cases, more accurate than the ones generated by an AI engine like ChatGPT, whose question outputs while more fluent, are often not true to the facts represented in the original data. We discuss key limitations of our approach and the work to be done to bring to life a fully generalized pipeline that can take any data set and automatically provide the user with factual questions that the data can answer.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalquestion generationdata analyticssemantic typingmeta categoriesSherlockSpacysemantic distance calculationChatGPTLDAdeep learningknowledge extractiontopic modelingpublic goodData-To-Question Generation Using Deep LearningArticle