Daley, James G.Decker, Carol L.Adamek, Margaret E.Black, CarolynHaase, Joan E.2010-08-052010-08-052010-08-05https://hdl.handle.net/1805/2238http://dx.doi.org/10.7912/C2/1177Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Research has shown that adolescents with cancer (AWC) face treatment that is complex, invasive, and onerous. Coming during a time with major developmental changes, it brings the potential of making high demands on the coping capacity of these adolescents. Using the theoretical frameworks of stress and coping, life-span development and Haase's (1996) Adolescent Resilience Model (ARM), this study explored the influences of social support and family environment on coping for AWC.en-USAdolescentsCoping with cancerCancer in adolescenceCancer -- Psychological aspectsAdolescents with Cancer: Social Support, Family Environment, and Coping