Kirk, Karen IlerPisoni, David B.Lachs, Lorin2015-10-302015-10-302002Kirk, K. I., Pisoni, D. B., & Lachs, L. (2002). AUDIOVISUAL INTEGRATION OF SPEECH BY CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH COCHEAR IMPLANTS. Proceedings : ICSLP. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2002, 1689–1692. present study examined how prelingually deafened children and postlingually deafened adults with cochlear implants (CIs) combine visual speech information with auditory cues. Performance was assessed under auditory-alone (A), visual- alone (V), and combined audiovisual (AV) presentation formats. A measure of visual enhancement, RA, was used to assess the gain in performance provided in the AV condition relative to the maximum possible performance in the auditory-alone format. Word recogniton was highest for AV presentation followed by A and V, respectively. Children who received more visual enhancement also produced more intelligible speech. Adults with CIs made better use of visual information in more difficult listening conditions (e.g., when mutiple talkers or phonemically similar words were used). The findings are discussed in terms of the complementary nature of auditory and visual sources of information that specify the same underlying gestures and articulatory events in speech.Publisher Policycochlear implantshearing impairmentspeech perceptionaudiovisualassessmentaudiovisual integrationAUDIOVISUAL INTEGRATION OF SPEECH BY CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH COCHEAR IMPLANTSArticle