Guiliano, Jennifer2018-04-122018-04-122017Guiliano, J. (2017). Toward a Praxis of Critical Digital Sport History. Journal of Sport History, 44(2), 146–159. praxis as a key construct, this article disputes the understandings of digital history as a relatively recent phenomena by providing an alternative narrative of digital history’s development. Understanding that “digital” history is a constellation of practices drawn from humanities and computing disciplines, this paper argues that digital sport history must demonstrate critical, intentional engagement with interdisciplinary research to achieve its fullest future. Using Michael Oriard’s Reading Football: How the Popular Press Created an American Spectacle as a basis for a speculative design exercise, the paper suggests three alternative research methods that scholars could now use to explore Oriard’s sources. The exercise illustrates how digital sport historians must recognize the digital and its multiplicity of forms as historical objects that are produced, interpreted, and contested. As important, the article closes by presenting core values for our consideration as we move toward recognized methodologies for digital sport history.enPublisher Policydigital historydigital humanitiesfootballTowards a Praxis of Critical Digital Sport HistoryArticle