Lacy, MeaganCopeland, Andrea J.2013-04-162013-04-162013-04-11Lacy, M. & Copeland, A. (2013, April). Growing Local: Partnering Libraries with Library Schools to Expand the Profession and Develop Professionals. Poster session presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries, Indianapolis, IN. they share the same campus, university libraries and schools of library & information science often work in isolation. Few opportunities exist where they can learn from each other’s expertise. How can we better bridge this gap between theory and practice? Discover how librarians, SLIS faculty, and SLIS students at one institution created a joint research conference as a means of formally sharing and discussing their research. Learn how this conference expanded their professional growth.en-USmentoringlibrary & information science studentscollaborationacademic librariesschools of library & information scienceMentoring in library scienceLibrary science -- ResearchLibrary educationLibrary schoolsAcademic librariesGrowing Local: Partnering Libraries with Library Schools to Expand the Profession and Develop ProfessionalsPresentation