Lord, Robert2012-08-242012-08-242004https://hdl.handle.net/1805/2901Grade Level(s): 4-12Instructions: A. When you identify each item in the picture, classify that item into one of three groups (a) raw materials (b) processed products or (c) wildlife. B. On lined paper draw three columns and use the headings above- (a), (b) & (c). Write the name of each item taken from the list on the poster and place it in the correct column on your writing paper. C. Take your world map and place a colored dot for the location of each product e.g. blue = raw materials, red = processed products, and green = wildlife. If a continent’s name is given, place the colored dot in the centre of that continent. If you are given a country, then place the dot in the centre of that country.100 Things Poster ActivityLearning Object