Price, Mary F.2021-08-252021-08-252018-03-28Resource developed as part of a panel presentation "Translating Integrative Practices into Integrated Selves as Community Engaged Scholars." presented at the 2018 National Campus Compact Meeting. resource provides an overview of an emerging faculty coaching process called Scholar Whispering. The resource describe keys tools developed for use in Scholar Whispering including Scholarly Identity Mapping, Scholarly Activity Mapping & Collaborative Relationship Mapping. These tools were developed for use with community engaged faculty and civic professionals to foster enhanced professional agency, reduce barriers to retention and success, and contribute to the growth of praxis in engaged work.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalcoaching, faculty mentoring, professional agency, public scholarship, community engaged scholarship, equity, civic professionalismIntegrated work lives and identities: Coaching in support of "complete and connected scholars."Other