Shaker, Genevieve G.Christensen, Robert K.Bergdoll, Jonathan2018-05-032018-05-032017Shaker, G.G., Christensen, R.K., & Bergdoll, J.J. (2017). What Works at Work? Toward an Integrative Model Examining Workplace Campaign Strategies. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 28(1), 25–46. US employees are regularly asked to give charitable donations through work. The techniques used to solicit workplace donations vary. Drawing on a nationally representative survey, the study used a sample of donor responses to examine the effectiveness of several widely used campaign strategies: donor choice, company matching, public recognition, and solicitation support. The theoretical framework built on workplace research by Barman (2007) and established charitable giving mechanisms (Bekkers and Wiepking 2011a, 2011b). The research question was, “Do workplace campaign strategies lead employees to participate and to make (larger) donations in the workplace?” The positive outcomes of the strategies, aside from donor choice, were limited, suggesting that tried‐and‐true workplace fundraising strategies warrant additional scrutiny. The findings are meaningful to campaign managers seeking to identify approaches that generate workplace giving. For researchers, the results confirm growing attention to the importance of purpose‐based giving in comparison with community‐based giving.enPublisher Policycharitable donationsworkplacecampaign strategiesWhat Works at Work? Toward an Integrative Model Examining Workplace Campaign StrategiesArticle