Naghiloo, M.Abbasi, M.Joglekar, Yogesh N.Murch, K. W.2021-02-122021-02-122019Naghiloo, M., Abbasi, M., Joglekar, Y. N., & Murch, K. W. (2019). Quantum state tomography across the exceptional point in a single dissipative qubit. Nature Physics, 15(12), 1232–1236. physical systems can be described by effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians that characterize the gain or loss of energy or particle numbers from the system. Experimental realization of optical1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and mechanical8,9,10,11,12,13 non-Hermitian systems has been reported, demonstrating functionalities such as lasing14,15,16, topological features7,17,18,19, optimal energy transfer20,21 and enhanced sensing22,23. Such realizations have been limited to classical (wave) systems in which only the amplitude information, not the phase, is measured. Thus, the effects of a systems’s proximity to an exceptional point—a degeneracy of such non-Hermitian Hamiltonians where the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenmodes coalesce24,25,26,27,28,29—on its quantum evolution remain unexplored. Here, we use post-selection on a three-level superconducting transmon circuit to carry out quantum state tomography of a single dissipative qubit in the vicinity of its exceptional point. We observe the spacetime reflection symmetry-breaking transition30,31 at zero detuning, decoherence enhancement at finite detuning and a quantum signature of the exceptional point in the qubit relaxation state. Our experiments show phenomena associated with non-Hermitian physics such as non-orthogonality of eigenstates in a fully quantum regime, which could provide a route to the exploration and harnessing of exceptional point degeneracies for quantum information processing.enPublisher Policyquantum state tomographyexceptional pointqubit relaxation stateQuantum state tomography across the exceptional point in a single dissipative qubitArticle