Heeter, Mark2005-08-152005-08-152003https://hdl.handle.net/1805/348Peter Drucker (1999) states that “knowledge worker productivity is the biggest of the 21st century management challenges.” These traits that derail personal productivity have been identified in the responses of over 2,000 knowledge workers to the question, “What are the most significant things within your control or generated by you that get in the way of your productivity?” The top 10 survey response results are: 61% trying to do to much, 46% not saying no, 45% procrastinating, 44% doing it myself/not delegating, 37% perfectionism, 34% telephone/ rop by interruptions, 31% disorganization/clutter, 28% unrealistic time estimates, 19% poor planning, and 19% e-mail. I saw the opportunities as: (a) Are there a handful of high leverage personal work processing methods that people can use to counteract these productivity de-railers? (b) If implemented, how much efficiency improvement could be achieved?26604 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAdult EducationOn The Job TrainingProductivityProfessional DevelopmentProfessional TrainingKnowledge Worker Productivity: Closing The Problem—Solution GapArticle