Sodders, Mark D.Martin, Aaron M.Coker, JenniferHammond, Flora M.Hoffman, Jeanne M.2024-08-032024-08-032023Sodders MD, Martin AM, Coker J, Hammond FM, Hoffman JM. Acupuncture use for pain after traumatic brain injury: a NIDILRR Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems cohort study. Brain Inj. 2023;37(6):494-502. doi:10.1080/02699052.2023.2187088 Pain after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common and can become chronic. Acupuncture is an increasingly popular non-pharmacologic option in the United States and is commonly used for pain. Objective: We explored demographics, injury characteristics, and pain characteristics of individuals who reported using acupuncture for chronic pain after TBI. Methods: We analyzed a subset of data collected as part of the Pain After Traumatic Brain Injury collaborative study and identified individuals reporting a history of acupuncture as part of management for chronic pain after TBI. We characterized and compared basic demographic data, pain treatment engagements, pain severity, pain interference, functional independence, and pain locations using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Our sample included 1,064 individuals. Acupuncture use (n = 208) was lower proportionally among females, Blacks/African Americans, Asians, less educated, and nonmilitary service members. Insurance type varied between acupuncture and non-acupuncture users. Functional and pain outcomes were similar, but acupuncture users reported a higher number of pain sites. Discussion: Acupuncture is one treatment utilized by individuals with TBI and chronic pain. Further investigation would be helpful to understand the barriers and facilitators of acupuncture use to inform clinical trials to examine the potential benefit of acupuncture on pain outcomes after TBI.en-USPublisher PolicyAcupunctureComplementary healthIntegrative healthPainTraumatic brain injuryAcupuncture use for pain after traumatic brain injury: a NIDILRR Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems cohort studyArticle