Hopewell, Emily L.Cox, CherylPilon-Thomas, ShariKelley, Linda L.2022-04-062022-04-062019-03Hopewell EL, Cox C, Pilon-Thomas S, Kelley LL. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes: Streamlining a complex manufacturing process. Cytotherapy. 2019 Mar;21(3):307-314. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2018.11.004. Epub 2018 Dec 1. PMID: 30509772; PMCID: PMC6453723.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/28414Adoptive cell therapy of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes has shown promise for treatment of refractory melanoma and other solid malignancies; however, challenges to manufacturing have limited its widespread use. Traditional manufacturing efforts were lengthy, cumbersome and used open culture systems. We describe changes in testing and manufacturing that decreased the process cycle time, enhanced the robustness of critical quality attribute testing and facilitated a functionally closed system. These changes have enabled export of the manufacturing process to support multi-center clinical trials.en-USPublisher PolicyAdoptive immunotherapyCell therapyMelanomaTumor-infiltrating lymphocytesTumor-infiltrating lymphocytes: Streamlining a complex manufacturing processArticle