Comer, AmberFettig, LyleTorke, Alexia M.2023-03-082023-03-082020-09Comer A, Fettig L, Torke AM. Identifying Goals of Care. Med Clin North Am. 2020;104(5):767-775. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2020.06.002 of care conversations are important but complex for clinicians caring for older adults. Although clinicians tend to focus on specific medical interventions, these conversations are more successful if they begin with gaining a shared understanding of the medical conditions and possible outcomes, followed by discussion of values and goals. Although training in the medical setting is incomplete, there are many published and online resources that can help clinicians gain these valuable skills.en-USPublisher PolicyEthicsGeriatricsGoals of carePalliative careIdentifying Goals of CareArticle