Petranek, StefanHill, Chris2016-08-172016-08-172016 speaking of work from his photo book "American Surfaces," Stephen Shore says "...all of it was looking at the culure, the build culture." The surface of things at times expands beyong two dimensional flateness and visual aesthetic to agents involved in creating and consuming such surfaces. This expansion of two dimensional flateness to three dimensional dynamics is especially evident in cities alive with varying degerees of personhood imposed and projected upon surfaces. Image content and how images function are among questions I address in my photographic practice while taking into account theories of Martin Heidegger, W.E.B. Du Bois, Karl Marx and advertising strategies. Applying said theory to my photographic practice along with the application of paint to photographs has led to a creation of images that expands from two dimensional flatness to three dimensions in terms of form and content.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesImageDubois, W. E. B.Heidegger, MartinMarx, KarlSocialAdvertisingCulture"Social Selves"