Mysore, KeshavaHapairai, LimbRealey, Jacob S.Sun, LonghuaRoethele, Joseph B.Duman-Scheel, Molly2024-07-122024-07-122022-07-12Mysore K, Hapairai LK, Realey JS, Sun L, Roethele JB, Duman-Scheel M. Oral RNAi for Gene Silencing in Mosquitoes: From the Bench to the Field. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2022;2022(7):Pdb.top107690. Published 2022 Jul 12. doi:10.1101/pdb.top107690 interference (RNAi) has played a key role in the field of insect functional genomics, a discipline that has enhanced the study of developmental, evolutionary, physiological, and molecular biological phenomena in a wide variety of insects, including disease vector mosquitoes. Here we introduce a recently optimized RNAi procedure in which adult mosquitoes are fed with a colored sugar bait containing small interfering RNA (siRNA). This procedure effectively and economically leads to gene silencing, is technically straightforward, and has been successfully used to characterize a number of genes in adult mosquitoes. We also discuss how, in addition to laboratory applications, this oral RNAi procedure might one day be used in the field for controlling insect pests.en-USPublisher PolicyCulicidaeGene silencingInsectaMosquito vectorsRNA interferenceOral RNAi for Gene Silencing in Mosquitoes: From the Bench to the FieldArticle