Risam, RoopikaGuiliano, Jennifer2023-09-192023-09-192021-08-16Risam R, Guiliano J, Lingold MC. Editors’ Note: August 2021. Reviews in Digital Humanities. 2021;II(8). doi:10.21428/3e88f64f.918e07efhttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/35635Welcome to the August 2021 issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities! This month, we are delighted to share the first installment of our special issue on sound, edited by Mary Caton Lingold. “Sound” is the first special issue of the journal to focus on a method and explores a broad range of interventions at the intersections of sound studies and digital humanities. Over the next three months, the special issue will explore experimental scholarship that blends sensory modalities, sonic histories, and the use of computational tools with large audio collections. Featuring sound demonstrates the journal’s commitment to creating spaces to showcase thriving areas of scholarship that do not always register within digital humanities broadly.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalSound studiesDigital humanitiesAudio collectionsEditors' Note: August 2021Article