Christy, Shannon M.Winger, Joseph G.Mosher, Catherine E.2018-09-212018-09-212017Christy, S. M., Winger, J. G., & Mosher, C. E. (2017). Does Self-Efficacy Mediate the Relationships Between Social-Cognitive Factors and Intentions to Receive HPV Vaccination Among Young Women? Clinical Nursing Research, 1054773817741590. upon health behavior change theories, the current study examined whether self-efficacy mediated relationships between social-cognitive factors (i.e., perceived risk, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived severity, and cue to action) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination intentions among college women. Unvaccinated women (N = 115) aged 18 to 25 years attending a Midwestern university completed an anonymous web-based survey assessing study variables. Correlational analyses and mediation analyses were conducted. Self-efficacy mediated relationships between two social-cognitive factors (i.e., perceived barriers to HPV vaccination—indirect effect = −.16, SE = .06, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [−.31, −.06]—and perceived risk of HPV-related conditions—indirect effect = .16, SE = .09, 95% CI = [.01, .37]) and HPV vaccination intentions but was unrelated to the other three social-cognitive factors. Based on these findings, future research should test whether increasing self-efficacy through education on risk of HPV-related conditions and reducing barriers to HPV vaccination improves vaccine uptake in college women.enPublisher PolicyHPV vaccinationhealth beliefshealth behaviorsDoes Self-Efficacy Mediate the Relationships Between Social-Cognitive Factors and Intentions to Receive HPV Vaccination Among Young Women?Article