Mati, Jacob Mwathi2021-07-282021-07-282020-10 from the East Africa Philanthropy Data Portal by Candid and East Africa Philanthropy Network (2020) indicates that 21 Tanzania-based funders collectively disbursed a total of 1,223 grants amounting to USD 26.7 million between 2003 and 2019 to 932 different organizations spread across four countries (Tanzania, Zimbabwe, India, and United States). Of this amount, a total of USD 2,648,483, representing 9.9 percent of total grants during this period was granted to non-Tanzanian domiciled organizations by Tanzanian donors/philanthropists. Of this, USD 1,936,380 (7.24 percent) was granted to faith-based institutions such as temples in India. This is probably a reflection of a substantial number of Tanzanian citizens of Indian descent. A further USD 707,713 (2.65 percent) was granted to organizations domiciled in the United States, though most of them operate in Tanzania. Finally, USD 4,390 (0.02 percent) was granted to Harare-based Women in Law and Development in Zimbabwe. In effect, 90.1 percent of all grants made by local philanthropic actors are to recipients based in Tanzania. As such, Tanzanian Philanthropy, unlike in neighboring Kenya, is more national in terms of its grant making.en-UScountryglobaltrackertanzaniaCountry Report 2020: TanzaniaWorking Paper