Clemens-Knott, DianeDeGraaff Surpless, KathleenBarth, Andrew P.Wooden, Joseph L.2023-04-262023-04-262021-07Clemens-Knott, D., Surpless, K. D., Barth, A. P., & Wooden, J. L. (2021). Leveraging detrital zircon geochemistry to study deep arc processes: REE-rich magmas mobilized by Jurassic rifting of the Sierra Nevada arc. Results in Geochemistry, 4, 100010. trace element compositions of Middle to Late Jurassic detrital zircon separated from Sierra Nevada forearc and intra-arc strata reveal processes of differentiation occurring within the deep arc lithosphere. REE-Sc-Nb-Ti-Hf-U-Th covariations define three populations of atypically REE-rich grains that we interpret as crystallizing from (1) differentiates produced by olivine+clinopyroxene+plagioclase+garnet±ilmenite fractionation; (2) mixing between mafic arc magmas and partial melts of Proterozoic Mojave province crust; and (3) compositionally transient, low Gd/Yb magmas generated by hornblende resorption during decompression. We interpret a fourth population of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous zircons having REE contents similar to “typical” arc zircon but with atypically high Gd/Yb ratios as having crystallized from partial melts of recycled arc crust and from deep-arc differentiates that evolved down-temperature through hornblende saturation. We hypothesize that latest Jurassic extension ripped open the arc, facilitating upward migration and eruption of geochemically anomalous zircon-bearing magmas. The anomalous compositions relative to “typical” arc zircon imply that these zircons and their host magmas rarely reach the upper arc crust, where eruption and/or erosion would release their zircon cargo to the clastic system. Focusing on the trace element compositions of zircons of syn-extensional age represents a productive new strategy for learning about deep magmatic reservoirs and early differentiation pathways within the thick lithosphere of continental margin arcs.enAttribution 4.0 Internationaldeep arc processesSierra Nevada arcdetrital zircon geochemistryLeveraging detrital zircon geochemistry to study deep arc processes: REE-rich magmas mobilized by Jurassic rifting of the Sierra Nevada arcArticle