Despard, Jessica L.Chambers, AlexWard, JoshuaVoida, Stephen2016-03-092016-03-092015-04-17Jessica L. Despard, Alex Chambers, Joshua Ward, and Stephen Voida. (2015, April 17). Fit’n Bits: Evaluation of the FitBit’s User Friendliness and Motivation. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractWearable computing devices create new opportunities for people to collect data about themselves and interact unobtrusively with a wide variety of information sources. However, these devices also compete for a wearer’s limited attention and have the potential for worsening the problem of information overload. Our study focuses on people’s day-to-day experiences using wearable activity tracking devices, both solo and in motivational groups of 3–4 persons. We are currently collecting a variety of data to understand how differences in the information displayed on the device (and the associated, web-based “dashboard”) affect users’ behavior and attainment/motivation of physical activity goals, influence users’ perception of the usefulness and intrusiveness of the device, and encourage/discourage device use. In addition, we hope to further explore whether or not participation in a group provided additional motivation or simply introduced another type of information overload. A total of 36 participants will be recruited from the IUPUI campus and nearby areas of downtown Indianapolis and will be divided into one of two conditions, working solo or in a squad (group of three of more people). ANOVAs will be conducted to analyze and interpret the data. In particular, we will look for any significant differences in the number of steps taken and in the subjective preference ratings across all conditions. All qualitative responses will be collaboratively coded by a team of investigators. This research effort is currently ongoing, and we are aiming to present initial data analyses based on a large subset of our total participant population at this year’s IUPUI Research Day.en-USWearable computing deviceswearable activity tracking devicesFit’n BitsUser FriendlinessMotivationFit’n Bits: Evaluation of the FitBit’s User Friendliness and MotivationPoster