Ge, YanBott, MadisonTobin, MykaylaVaughn, SierraMaxey, Hannah2025-02-272025-02-272025-02-27Ge, Y., Bott, M., Tobin, M., Vaughn, S., Maxey, H. Indiana Medical Education Pipeline-to-Practice Study: Indiana's Physician Pipeline-to-Practice In Context. (2025). Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy. Indiana University School of Medicine. are foundational to the provision of high-quality medical care and positive health outcomes. Examining the physician pipeline to practice is a critical step toward developing state-level initiatives and policies that aim to strengthen the workforce.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalIndiana Medical Education Pipeline-to-Practice Study: Indiana's Physician Pipeline-to-Practice In ContextReport