Feigin, B.Jimbo, M.Mukhin, E.2020-03-032020-03-032019Feigin, B., Jimbo, M., & Mukhin, E. (2019). Tracking Towards trigonometric deformation of s l ^ 2 coset VOA. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(7), 073507. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5081799https://hdl.handle.net/1805/22242We discuss the quantization of the 𝔰𝔩ˆ2 coset vertex operator algebra 𝒲D(2,1;α) using the bosonization technique. We show that after quantization, there exist three families of commuting integrals of motion coming from three copies of the quantum toroidal algebra associated with 𝔤𝔩2.enPublisher Policybosonization techniquequantizationsl2 coset vertex operator algebraTowards trigonometric deformation of 𝔰𝔩ˆ2 coset VOAArticle