Zhu, LiugenDefazio, JosephHuang, EdgarHook, Sara Anne2015-11-232015-11-232015-11-21Presented at the 35th Annual Lilly International Conference on College Teaching.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/7531This presentation reports the results of a comprehensive study of policies on attendance and participation in face-to-face and online courses, with policies that range from strict to flexible, and correlate these policies with final course grades. The intent was to demonstrate the impact that these policies have on student motivation and student success. Participants will self-identify which category their attendance/participation policies falls into and reflect on how revising these policies can influence their own courses.en-USParticipationAttendanceStudent performanceFace-to-face coursesOnline coursesCollege teachingThe Impact of Participation and Attendance on Undergraduate Student Performance in Face-to-Face and Online CoursesPresentation