Orentlicher, David2017-04-272017-04-272014David Orentlicher, The Future of the Affordable Care Act: Protecting Economic Health More than Physical Health?, 51 Houston Law Review 1057 (2014)https://hdl.handle.net/1805/12343While observers have focused on questions about the extent to which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will improve access to care, reduce the costs of care, and improve the quality of care, commentary has largely ignored an even more important question — to what extent will ACA improve health? Surprisingly, the link between health care insurance and health is more tenuous than one might think. In the end, the ACA may do more to protect the financial health of poor Americans than to improve their physical health.enPublisher PolicyACAhealth care reformhealth insuranceThe Future of the Affordable Care Act: Protecting Economic Health More than Physical Health?Article