Ryu, Jong EunKulkarni, AmeyaAgarwal, MangilalXie, JianCheng, Ruihua2016-01-072016-01-072015-04-28https://hdl.handle.net/1805/7937http://dx.doi.org/10.7912/C2/2687Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are used extensively in various applications where substrate are required to be possessing higher surface area, porosity and electrical and thermal conductivity. Such properties can be enhanced to target a particular gas and biochemical for efficient detection when CNT matrix is functionalized with Nanoparticles (NPs). Conventional functionalization involves harsh oxidation repeated washing, filtration and sonication, which induce defects. The defects lead to hindered mobility of carriers, unwanted doping and also fragmentation of the CNTs in some cases. In this document we demonstrate functionalization of CNT with Au nanoparticles on a macro scale under dry and ambient condition using Xenon ash induced solid-state dewetting. A sputtered thin film was transformed into nanoparticles which were confirmed to be in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. We worked on 3 nm, 6 nm, 9 nm, 15 nm, 30 nm initial thickness of thin films. Xenon ash parameters of energy, number of pulse, duration of pulse, duration of gap between consecutive pulses were optimized to achieve complete dewetting of Au thin films. 3 nm deposition was in the form of irregular nano-islands which were transformed into stable nanoparticles with a single shot of 10 J/cm2 of 2 ms duration. 6 nm and 9 nm deposition was in form of continues film which was also dewetted into stable nanoparticles with a single pulse but with an increased energy density of 20 J/cm2 and 35 J/cm2 respectively. In case of 15 nm and 30 nm deposition the thin film couldn't be dewetted with a maximum energy density of 50 J/cm2, it was observed that 3 and 4 pulses of 2 ms pulse duration and 2 ms gap duration with an energy density of 50 J/cm2 were required to completely dewet the thicker films. However irregularity was induced in the sizes of the NPs due to Ostwald ripening phenomenon which causes smaller particle within a critical difiusion length to combine and form a larger particle during or after dewetting process. For comparison, the Au thin films were also dewetted by a conventional process involving annealing of samples until the thin film was fully transformed into NPs and the size of NPs seized to grow. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to characterize the samples. Thermodynamic stability of the particles was confirmed with statistical analyses of size distribution after every additional pulse.enSolid state dewettingCarbonNanostructured materialsNanotubesNanoparticlesThermodynamicsAu nanoparticle assembly on cnts using flash induced solid-state dewettingThesis10.7912/C27G6Q