Cyders, Melissa A.Ladd, Kevin L.Fry, Melissa S.2020-06-052020-06-052020-05-19Cyders, M. A., Ladd, K. L., & Fry, M. S. (2020). People with substance use disorders face greater challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Conversation. closures of businesses and states throughout the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been stressful, costly and challenging for many. But the restrictions do not affect everyone equally. Particularly vulnerable are those with substance use disorders. With schedules disrupted, medical and psychological care curtailed and support networks shut down, the COVID-19 pandemic may jeopardize their recovery.en-USAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCOVID-19StressOpiodsDrug AbuseCoronavirusOpioid CrisisSubstance Use DisordersCOVID PandemicPeople with substance use disorders face greater challenges during the COVID-19 pandemicArticle