Albertson, Nathan R.Chick, Jeffrey Forris BeechamJiao, AlbertHealey, Travis L.Plotnik, Adam N.Srinivasa, Ravi N.2019-08-012019-08-012019Albertson, N. R., Chick, J. F. B., Jiao, A., Healey, T. L., Plotnik, A. N., & Srinivasa, R. N. (2019). Collaboration is Key – Bridging the Gap and Building an IR Endoscopy Practice. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology. the tools and techniques employed by interventional radiologists on a day-to-day basis translate well to learning the skills required to perform basic endoscopic interventions, collaboration with other specialties is crucial to the success of an interventional radiology endoscopy program. As in any field in medicine, the paramount goal is to improve patient care. Adding the ability to directly visualize structures through an endoscope to certain interventional radiologic procedures may greatly augment the efficacy, safety, and success of interventional radiology procedures. Colleagues in urology, gastroenterology, and surgery should be involved in decision-making and treatment planning to ensure that a shared vision for optimal patient care is achieved.enPublisher PolicycollaborationcholedochoscopycholangioscopyCollaboration is Key – Bridging the Gap and Building an IR Endoscopy PracticeArticle