Wolfe, DevinGarcia, Silvia2021-04-162021-04-162021-04-15https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25662Recent studies show that Latinx newcomer parents are not prepared to support their children throughout the college preparation process due to a lack of understanding of the U.S. college process, the complex financial aid system, and the diversity of post-secondary choices.  Utilizing a design-based implementation research methodology, the research team (1 faculty member, 1 staff member, 1 graduate student, and 3 community partners) conducted virtual meetings with Latinx parents and 2 college students to understand and address their major questions and concerns about college and career readiness, as well as their approach to better communicate this content. Based on the knowledge gained so far, the research team is co-developing prototypes to discuss, implement and co-evaluate with parents. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLatinx parents, College & Career readiness,Co-Constructing Culturally Relevant College & Career Readiness Resources for Latinx FamiliesPoster